Do you have problems finding documents when you need them? Or locating documents/emails created by co-workers?
Even spending only 5 minutes a day searching for documents results in almost 3 days[1] of your time each year! If it takes you 15 minutes, almost 9 days are spent. This doesn’t include time lost from disrupting your work to find something. Nor does it factor in efforts made by the other employees who are also searching.
Regain control of your documents. Take the first step by signing up for this 3-part workshop and never lose another document again. Instead, find your documents easily by naming them properly. Creating and using standardized naming for your documents:
- decreases time spent looking for documents
- lessens, or eliminates the risk, of sending the client the wrong document
- increases the success rate of finding what you’re looking for, when it counts
For optimal results, attendees should all be from the same team, project group, or department. Max. 10 people.
Part I: Learn the Basics
This 1-hour workshop will demonstrate the value and benefits of meaningful documents names.
After attending this workshop, you will:
- understand how document names are useful and beneficial to you
- learn the basic components required to create accurate and meaningful document names
- identify common mistakes made when naming documents
Part II: Develop Document Names
This 2-hour workshop builds on knowledge acquired from session 1, except the focus is on your documents and how to name them. You, and your team, will analyze document names as a group and identify which elements work well, and which ones must be changed.
Working together as a group, after attending this workshop you will:
- have a list of document names for your 5-10 most critical, or commonly used, documents
- Alternative outcomes include developing project-based folder structures, document names for project documents, or for a single department.
Part III: Moving Forward
So, you’re ready to start using your new document names, right now! But… what about all the stuff from before? And who will be making all these changes anyway…
In this 2-hour session, you will learn about the challenges of implementing these types of changes, strategies for moving ahead, and tactics for getting even the most resistant employees on board.
After attending this workshop, you will:
- understand the level of work and effort involved to implement the changes
- strategies and tactics for communicating and enforcing the changes with employees
- have the outline of an action plan
[1] Based on 7-hour work day with 250 work days/year.